What commands should a 3 month old puppy know

By 3 months of age, a puppy should have been fully vaccinated and begun training. The basic commands that it should know by the age of three months include:

-Sit – This is one of the most important commands a pup can learn and practice. As an owner, you need to be consistent in teaching your pup to sit when instructed and as soon as possible.

-Stay/Wait – Teaching your puppy understanding how to wait for permission will help in other areas, for example getting dressed or walking through doorways.

-Down – This command is used to lay your puppy down from a standing position but also from a sitting or laying position.

-Come/Come Here – Have patience while teaching this command since it requires your pup to focus on you and understand that your commands are reliable every single time they hear them.

-No/Off – Teaching “No!” and “Off” helps owners enforce boundaries with their pup and teaches them what behaviors are not acceptable such jumping on people or furniture among other more mundane responsibilities like coming when called.

-Leave It – Teaching the “leave it” command gives owners ultimate control over their pup’s behaviour by using distraction from potential dangers areas such as chewing something off limits or running into traffic.

Besides these basic commands, there are many different tricks you can teach your pup at three months old depending on its personality including roll over, high five/shake hands, spin around, speak/bark on command and more!


It’s important to start introducing basic commands to your 3 month old puppy as soon as possible. Obedience training helps build a strong bond between you and your pup, and teaches him good behavior from the very beginning. The sooner you start the better!

At three months old, the basics are usually serestocollars Sit, Stay, Come, Lie Down and Speak/Quiet. You’ll want to use repetition with short sessions each day so that your pup can easily remember the commands. The best part is that it doesn’t have to be all serious either — make sure to use plenty of positive reinforcement like treats every time they get something right!

Introducing these simple commands early on will help form good habits down the road — plus give you peace of mind in knowing that your pup responds well when he knows what’s expected of him in any situation.

Training your pup: Positive reinforcement

Teaching your 3 month old puppy is a great way to build a positive bond together. And what better way than with positive reinforcement? Positive reinforcement is the process of rewarding behavior you want to see more of, while ignoring behavior that you don’t. This method has been widely used in animal training for years and has had amazing results.

Basically, all you have to do is give your pup rewards when he listens to commands like ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ or ‘come.’ Giving him treats or even just praise and affection are great ways to reward him for listening. Training with positive reinforcment can help prevent any aggressive or fearful behaviors from arising if you combine consistency and patience.

This type of training also encourages problem-solving skills as it asks your puppy to figure out how to get the reward by understanding commands better. You will start out at a low level by asking basic commands that your pooch should have learned already and then move up from there depending on how quickly they pick up the new command. With enough hard work, effort, and some delicious treats, your pup will be trained in no time!

Introduction to socialization and living in a pack setting

One of the first commands a three month old puppy should know is how to interact with humans and other animals in a positive and safe way. This means introducing them to various socialization activities and helping them learn proper pack etiquette.

Socialization can start even before your pup comes home. Take them on walks around your neighborhood, visit pet stores, dog parks, and take them out to meet people – this gives your pup exposure to a variety of stimuli at an early age while they are still young enough to learn without fear.

Additionally, teaching your pup the concept of living in a pack setting will benefit them for life! Early lessons about “pack order” can be taught through obedience exercises like sit/stay/come. Your puppy will also benefit from lessons about sharing space with others (both human and canine) and learning acceptable behaviors when meeting new dogs or other animals. With proper socialization and understanding of pack hierarchy, your puppy will quickly become a happy member of the family!

Teaching basic commands such as “Sit”, “Down”, “Stay” etc

When it comes to teaching basic commands to a puppy that is only 3 months old, there are several steps that you should consider. The first and most important is to establish yourself as the pack leader. Puppies need structure, consistency, and routine; being consistent in expectations and reinforcing boundaries will help you set this foundation.

Next, you’ll want to choose a few basic commands that you’d like your puppy to learn. Common ones include “sit”, “down”, “stay”, and “come”. These commands will provide structure for your pup while they grow accustomed to their human family and home environment. For each command, start with positive reinforcement such as treats and praises as rewards for compliant behaviour. Also use your stern voice (not shouting) when necessary and remove any distractions during training sessions so that your pup focuses on the task at hand. With repetition and patience, your pup should be able to learn these commands in no time!

The importance of early and continuous training

It is important to start training your puppy early and stay consistent with it. Training should begin as soon as you bring your new pup home, usually at around 3 months of age. This will ensure that they learn the proper commands and basics within the first few months of life and are better positioned to easily transition into more advanced skills down the road.

Having well-trained puppies also means that owners are better equipped to prevent bad behaviors from developing in the first place. Early and continuous training instills respect for their owners and helps them learn boundaries, which can make them more confident and biddable adults. Moreover, it aids in socializing puppies with humans, other dogs, and animals from a young age so they have less chance of developing aggression later on in life.

Overall, providing puppies with consistent training starting at a young age has numerous benefits both immediately and long-term. If done correctly, early obedience skills can last them a lifetime while keeping them safe

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